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A portrait of Professor Ed Waller

Ed Waller


Industrial Research Chair

Dr. Waller teaches radiation protection, health physics, environmental effects of radiation, shielding design, Monte Carlo methods and nuclear security at Ontario Tech, and performs research in areas of emergency response, nuclear security, radiation safety, environmental radioactivity, radiation dosimetry, applied health physics, and threat assessment.
905.721.8668 ext. 5521

  • MiNS - Masters in Nuclear Security 2014 Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands 2014
  • PhD - Nuclear Engineering and Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA 1997
  • MScE - Chemical Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick 1990
  • BSc - Applied Physics (Honours) University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick 1988

Chair of the 3rd Consultancy Meeting to Clarify Concepts and Strategies Related to the Preparation, Conduct and Evaluation of Security Exercises at Nuclear Power Plants

Vienna, Austria February 15, 2016


Nuclear Security Alternative Technologies and Consequence for the Management for the Health Physicist

Cambridge, Massachusetts September 2, 2015

Security Workshop at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Chair of the 2nd Consultancy Meeting to Clarify Concepts and Strategies Related to the Preparation, Conduct and Evaluation of Security Exercises at Nuclear Power Plants

Vienna, Austria August 10, 2015

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

60th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society Professional Enrichment Program Course 'Physical Protection for Nuclear and Radiological Security'

Indianapolis, Indiana July 12, 2015

American Board of Health Physics for Certified Health Physicist Continuing Education

Chair of the 1st Consultancy Meeting to Identify Interfaces, Commonalities and Overlaps in the Concepts of Emergency Planning and Contingency Planning

Vienna, Austria June 22, 2015


Canadian Delegation Lead on Documents R708 Radiation Exposure from Electricity Generation, R707 Methodology for Estimating Human Exposures Due to Radioactive Discharges

Vienna, Austria June 1, 2015

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 62nd Session

IAEA Report on Assessment and Prognosis in Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency

Vienna, Austria May 18, 2015


Assessment of a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Resulting from a Nuclear Security Event

Vienna, Austria April 20, 2015

International Experts鈥 Meeting on Assessment and Prognosis in Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, IAEA

The Interface of Safety and Security in Response to a Malicious Event

Vienna, Austria April 20, 2015

International Experts鈥 Meeting on Assessment and Prognosis in Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, IAEA

Professional Development Course Presentation: Nuclear Security for the Health Physicist

Vienna, Austria August 13, 2014

International Nuclear Security Education Network 2014 Annual Meeting

Role of the Health Physicist in Nuclear Security

Baltimore, Maryland July 12, 2014

Health Physics Society 59th Annual Meeting

59th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society American Academy of Health Physics Professional Development Course 'Nuclear Security for the Health Physicist'

Baltimore, Maryland July 21, 2014

ABHP for CHP Continuing Education

Exposure from Cardiac Imaging and Interventional Procedures

Toronto, Ontario October 30, 2012

Canadian Cardiovascular Society Congress

Operational Testing of a Combined Hardware-Software Strategy for Triage of Radiologically-Contaminated Persons

Published in Health Physics July 1, 2015
Edward Waller

After a radiological dispersal device (RDD) event, it is possible for radionuclides to enter the human body through inhalation, ingestion, and skin and wound absorption. The dominant pathway will be through inhalation.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of RADIATION PROTECTion with a patient Lead Shield and a Novel, Non-Lead Surgical Cap for Operators Performing Coronary Angiography or Intervention

Published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions July 1, 2015

Interventional cardiologists receive one of the highest levels of annual occupational radiation exposure. Further measures to protect healthcare workers are needed.

The Role of the Health Physicist in Nuclear Security

Published in Health Physics April 1, 2015
Waller, Edward J. & van Maanen, Jim

Cover Article: Health physics is a recognized safety function in the holistic context of the protection of workers, members of the public, and the environment against the hazardous effects of ionizing radiation, often generically designated as radiation protection. The role of the health physicist as protector dates back to the Manhattan Project.

Experimental Modeling of Wind Driven Bin-by-Bin Resuspension Factors of Freshly Fallen Radionuclides after an Energetic Release from a Radiological Dispersal Device

Published in Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science February 9, 2015
Sharman Perera, Edward Waller and Ali Akhtar

Published in the inaugural journal, this article covers small-scale experiments carried out to characterize the resuspension factor of radioactive lanthanum oxide powder in an environmentally controlled wind tunnel, with the majority using particle sizes less than 10鈥壩糾 in order to assess the impact of wind resuspension stresses and surface roughness conditions on resuspension.

Physical Design of a Nuclear Facility Security Training Environment and Interfacing with Adversary Probability of Interruption Software

Published in Journal of Physical Security January 1, 2015

Training personnel about physical protection systems at nuclear facilities is difficult as the security systems are in continuous operation, which makes access to these systems for training problematic. An interactive model of a nuclear facility to demonstrate physical protection systems (PPS) can provide instructive and cost-effective training to a wide range of personnel.

Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety

Published in The Essential CANDU September 18, 2014
Edward Waller

This chapter expands upon the fundamentals of nuclear physics, radioactive decay processes, and radiation interactions with matter and explores the fundamentals of radiation protection and environmental safety, which are of vital importance to the safe operation of CANDU stations. In a holistic sense, the overarching field that deals with radiation protection and environmental safety is the area of health physics.

Design of a Hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics鈥揗onte Carlo Radiation Transport Methodology for Radioactive Particulate Resuspension Studies

Published in Health Physics September 1, 2014
Fawaz Ali & Ed Waller

There are numerous scenarios where radioactive particulates can be displaced by external forces. For example, the detonation of a radiological dispersal device in an urban environment will result in the release of radioactive particulates that in turn can be resuspended into the breathing space by external forces such as wind flow in the vicinity of the detonation. A need exists to quantify the internal (due to inhalation) and external radiation doses that are delivered to bystanders; however, current state-of-the-art codes are unable to calculate accurately radiation doses that arise from the resuspension of radioactive particulates in complex topographies.

Investigation of Internal Radionuclide Contamination from the Analysis of Nasal Swabs and Facial Swipes

Published in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry July 1, 2014
Ed Waller & Chunsheng Li

Nasal swabs and facial swipes have been used to screen potential internal radioactive contamination for decades. However, the ratio between the lung intake and the activity on a swab or a swipe varies according to the nature of the contaminant involved and the exposure conditions such as particle sizes of the contaminant and the humidity in the air. This paper reports the experimental results using stable La2O3 as an analog for actinide oxides, focusing on the most important parameters such as humidity, plume velocity, and facial condition at a fixed room temperature of 23 卤 2 掳C.

Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Statement on Radiation Exposure From Cardiac Imaging and Interventional Procedures

Published in Canadian Journal of Cardiology November 1, 2013

Exposure to ionizing radiation is a consequence of many diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures. Radiation exposure can result in detrimental health effects because of deterministic (eg, skin reaction) and stochastic effects (eg, cancer). However, with the levels experienced during cardiac procedures these risks can be difficult to quantify. Healthcare providers and patients might not fully appreciate radiation-related risks. Though in many cases radiation exposure cannot be avoided, a practice of minimizing exposures to levels 鈥渁s low as reasonably achievable鈥 (ALARA principle) without compromising the utility of the procedure is encouraged. The purpose of this document is to inform health care providers on the key concepts related to radiation risk from common cardiac procedures and provide specific recommendations on ensuring quality of care.

Intercomparison on Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Codes to Model TEPC Response in Low Energy Neutron and Gamma Ray Fields

Published in Radiation Protection Dosimetry October 25, 2013
F. Ali, A. J. Waker & E. J. Waller

Tissue-equivalent proportional counters (TEPC) can potentially be used as a portable and personal dosemeter in mixed neutron and gamma-ray fields, but what hinders this use is their typically large physical size. To formulate compact TEPC designs, the use of a Monte Carlo transport code is necessary to predict the performance of compact designs in these fields.

Radiological Contaminants: Triage, Treatment and Medical Management of Exposed Persons

Published in CABI Publishing January 1, 2013

This book chapter in Disaster Management: Medical Preparedness, Response and Homeland Security reviews injury from exposure to radiation and the radiological disaster management of exposed persons. The chapter describes the disaster categories involving radioactive materials, various radiological exposure scenarios, the personnel resources involved in a radiological disaster response, the phases of a radiological disaster, and the tools required for managing radiological disasters. The chapter then discusses pre-disaster, event response, and post-disaster event considerations related to radiological disasters.

A Mobile Robotic Platform for Generating Radiation Maps

Published in Intelligent Robotics and Applications October 3, 2012
Florentin von Frankenberg, Robin McDougal, lScott Nokleby & Ed Waller

The use of mobile robots to collect the sensor readings required to generate radiation maps has the significant advantage of eliminating the risk of exposure that humans would otherwise face by collecting the readings by hand. In this work, a mobile robotic platform designed specifically to collect this information to synthesize radiation maps is presented.

Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Nuclear Engineering Students

Published in European Journal of Engineering Education June 18, 2012
E. Waller & M. H. Kaye

Solutions to problems in high consequence fields of study such as nuclear engineering require rapid and accurate analysis of the problems, design of solutions (focusing on public safety, environmental stewardship and ethics), solution execution and monitoring results. A three-month course in problem solving, modelling and simulation was designed and a collaborative approach was undertaken with instructors from both industry and academia.

Sources of Radiation in the Environment: Including Natural Radiation, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), Technically Enhanced Materials, Weapons Tests and Nuclear Accidents

Published in in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology Springer January 1, 2012

The Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology addresses the grand challenge for science and engineering today. It provides unprecedented, peer-reviewed coverage in more than 550 separate entries comprising 38 topical sections.

Distinguished Achievement Award

Canadian Radiation Protection Association June 6, 2017

Dr. Waller is the recipient of this 2017 award for his outstanding contributions to knowledge, practice and advancement of the field of radiation protection.

Certificate of Appreciation

International Atomic Energy Agency January 1, 2015

In recognition of Dr. Waller's outstanding contribution to nuclear security education.

Senior Researcher Excellence Award

萌妹社区 March 31, 2014

Awarded for excellence in nuclear and health physics research.

Education and Communication Award

Canadian Nuclear Society January 1, 2013

Recognized for his significant efforts in improving the understanding of nuclear science and technology among educators, students and the public.

Professional Engineers Ontario

American Nuclear Society

Canadian Nuclear Society

American Board of Industrial Hygiene

American Board of Health Physics

Health Physics Society

Canadian Radiation Protection Association

International Radiation Protection Association

Nuclear Energy Institute

World Institute for Nuclear Security

Institute of Nuclear Materials Management

Rensselaer Society of Engineers

  • Radiation Protection (NUCL 2950U)
    Defines and introduces basic concepts in radiation safety; dose limits and risk; protection from external radiation: time, decay and distance, shielding, access control; external radiation hazards; radiation surveys; internal radiation hazards; behaviour of internal sources, annual limit on intake, derived air concentration for tritium, radioiodines, particulates; bioassay; contamination control; basic principles of radiation dosimetry; calculation of internal and external body radiation exposures; regulations concerning radioactive materials; safe working with radiation.
  • Monte Carlo Methods (MCSC 6165G)
    This course provides an introduction to the simulation of stochastic processes using Monte Carlo methods. Concepts presented include pseudorandom number and random variate generation, Markov chain models, Monte Carlo integration, variance reduction and numerical optimization. Applications may include solution to the Boltzmann transport equation (specifically for radiation transport), statistical physics, biophysics and queuing theory.
  • Occupational Health and Safety (NUCL 5090G)
    This course explores the often neglected, although highly important, subject of occupational health and safety as it relates to industrial operations and complex processes. Concepts such as hazard avoidance, health and environmental control, machine guarding, electrical hazards and process safety will be discussed. In addition, management and institutional controls for workplace safety will be considered, such as communicating vital information, pre-task briefings and shift turnovers. Case studies and lessons learned from numerous industrial and manufacturing industry accidents will be used to highlight important information.