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Extension of the terms of office of the Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic, and Interim Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International

Robert Bailey, PhD, Provost and Vice-President, Academic (Interim), and Douglas Holdway, PhD, Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International (Interim), have agreed to extend their respective terms of office for one year until July 2019, or until a successor has been appointed.

Both Dr. Bailey and Dr. Holdway have chosen not to apply for appointment to the respective positions. Each has offered extensive service to the university community, and will continue in their roles for a year beyond what would have been their normal end of term in office.

To plan effectively for leadership in each position and having consulted with the Board of Governors, President Steven Murphy will soon announce a call for nominations for the two search committees.

The university thanks Dr. Bailey and Dr. Holdway for continuing in their respective crucial roles and so capably handling their responsibilities.