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Last call for Citizen to Leader program nominations

The first step to building better leaders is recognizing those among us with the potential to become them.

The Citizen to Leader program includes a series of seminars designed to develop and enhance your leadership capacity and better equip you for increased responsibility. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of their leadership capabilities, enhance their communication and coaching skills, build better relationships, and exchange ideas and experiences with fellow participants. Participants will use the DiSC Work of Leaders® profile to better understand their leadership strengths.

This program aims to:

  • Help participants understand self and others and move towards being an authentic transformational leader.
  • Help participants understand and demonstrate the university's values.
  • Raise awareness about the role and challenges of leadership at the university.
  • Assist individuals in identifying the necessary capabilities required to develop themselves for their current and/or future roles at the university.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please have your supervisor fill out the by Friday, September 21.