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New research-specific FAQs on Brand Central

Each week, the Communications and Marketing department will update the of the university’s Brand Central website with answers to questions about the transition to the university’s new brand.

This week, we’ve added a new section just for researchers, with answers to these questions:

  • How do I refer to the university in my research grant applications?
  • I need to inform my funding agency about the new brand. What should I say?
  • I need to inform my research partners about the new brand. What should I say?
  • I am submitting an article for publication. What name should I use for the university so my publication is included in the university’s research impact scores?
  • How do I refer to the university when attending conferences, symposiums, conventions etc.?
  • How do I refer to the university when preparing conference materials, such as presentations, speaker’s notes, conference profiles, etc.?
  • How do I refer to the university online, either on a personal or professional website or social media platform that references my academic work with the university?

Visit the Brand Central FAQs section next week for more updates. For more information, contact