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Open Educational Resources Day – November 1

The university’s invite faculty, staff, students and external partners to participate in the university’s first-ever on Friday, November 1 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the north and downtown Oshawa locations.

encompasses freely accessible, openly licensed text, media and other digital assets, as well as tools and practices that improve educational access and effectiveness worldwide.

OER Day will feature a variety of informative sessions that will deepen participants’ understanding of how to apply OER to their courses. Session topics include:

  • What is OER and how can it improve the quality of students’ learning experiences?
  • Faculty Myth-Busting panel discussion (open to faculty members only)
  • Exploring the experience of ‘opening up’ your teaching practice.
  • Upcoming workshops and availability of open and affordable resources.

to participate. For more information, see the .