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The Transformative Potential of Makerspaces for Education and Learning: Research Insights from Finland – November 28

Technology-rich creative learning environments, often referred to as makerspaces, are attracting increased attention in education as mediators of new mindsets for innovative designs and learning. Despite their growing popularity, makerspaces present an understudied educational phenomenon.

Join the Faculty of Education's STEAM 3D Maker Lab for two presentations on makerspaces by Finnish scholars on Thursday, November 28. Drawing on a body of empirical research on makerspaces in two Finnish schools, the presentations will offer insights into understanding the potential and tensions of school-based makerspaces for student-driven creative learning and educational change.  

  • When: Thursday, November 28 from 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Where: STEAM 3D Maker Lab, Education Building, Room 415
  • Speakers: Kristiina Kumpulainen, PhD, and Anu Kajamaa, PhD, who collaboratively lead the  Research Community in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

For more information, visit the page on the STEAM 3D Maker Lab website or view the event poster.