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Introducing Bring-Your-Own-Device for remaining laptop TELE students

Effective September 2020, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) students (presently enrolled in year two and above for the 2019-2020 academic year) will transition from the laptop Technology-Enriched Learning Environment (TELE) program to the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) program.

Current FEAS students (year two and above) will be offered an opportunity to buyout their existing institutional laptop. More information will be shared with students via their email at a later date.

This conversion will complete the BYOD transition project for all Ontario Tech students. This past September, the university successfully introduced BYOD in the:

  • Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS)
  • Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT) Game Development and Entrepreneurship programs
  • FEAS (year one students only)

Under BYOD, the university provides the same course-specific software while students are given the opportunity to bring their own personal laptop, resulting in much lower TELE ancillary fees.

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