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Adjunct FBIT Professor Dr. Bill Goodman publishes memoir

, Adjunct Professor, Statistics and Risk Management, Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT), recently published a memoir on Amazon, in e-book and paperback format. 

opens by describing Dr. Goodman's life-changing encounter with a Zen Buddhist monk in 1977, over a cup of tea.

Returning to his beginnings, the book recounts Dr. Goodman’s extended coming-of-age, from participating the 1960s U.S. protests and his Vietnam-War resistance, to finally settling down with relative stability in Canada. The night after Willard Straight Hall was occupied at Cornell University, he participated in a supporting silent vigil around the Hall, overnight until morning. Not long afterwards, he was assigned a low number in the U.S.’s draft lottery and applied for Conscientious Objector status.

Dr. Goodman draws on his studies of meaningful coincidences, and on his experiences teaching, writing, and consulting about risk, to share insights about the seamless nature of chance, and about seeing a ‘both/and’ perspective in life, which encourages openness to possibilities.

Dr. Goodman retired from his full-time FBIT position in 2017.