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Ontario Tech Forensic Science Program hosts national conference and wins national awards

Earlier this summer Ontario Tech opened its doors to forensic scientists from across Canada and other parts of the world, welcoming them as part of the Conference (CSFS). Co-organized by members of Ontario Tech’s , the conference featured workshops, scientific and plenary sessions and was an opportunity for members of the forensic science community to come together and share their knowledge and expertise in their respective disciplines. Over 150 attended.

Two notable highlights from the CSFS annual general meeting were the announcements of awards received by two faculty members:

  • Cecilia Hageman was awarded the Derome Award, the CSFS’s most prestigious award, established in 1991, with only nine previous recipients. The Derome Award is given to a member who has advanced forensic science through outstanding leadership. Dr. Hageman was one of the first DNA reporting scientists in Canada and is currently active in introducing, educating and encouraging the use of evaluative reporting for expert testimony in Canadian courts.
  • Kimberly Nugent, MSc, was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes members who have given freely of their time and talents to the Society over a period of several years. Nugent was the President of the CSFS for two terms, one in 2020-2021 and one in 2022-2023, and led several initiatives to grow and reinvigorate the Society.

Members of the Forensic Science Program (Left to right): Dr. Hélène LeBlanc, Dr. Nelson Lafrenière, Dr. Jenna Comstock, Kimberly Nugent, M.Sc., Dr. Cecilia Hageman, Dr. Theresa Stotesbury, Stacey Sainte-Marie, M.Sc., Jeff Ward, B.F.I.