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‘The Wall Between’: What Jews and Palestinians Don't Know About Each Other

The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities is hosting a book signing and discussion event for the new book ‘The Wall Between’, written by two Ontario authors, a Palestinian and a Jew.

Raja Khouri is a human rights consultant, a co-founder of the Arab/Jewish Leadership Dialogue Group, founding president of the Canadian Arab Institute, and a former 10-year commissioner with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Jeffrey Wilkinson holds a doctorate in Education from the University of Toronto and works actively on issues relating to trauma and the Israel/Palestine struggle.

While we are seeing increasing polarization on the issue of Israel and Palestine, Jeffrey and Raja offer another approach: an approach based on sharing our stories with each other, opening our hearts, and facing the complex history that brought us to where we are. 

During this time of great sorrow and loss for both communities, we need spaces to come together to listen and learn from each other.

NOTE: Opinions expressed at this event are those of the speakers and do not reflect any endorsement or view of the university.

  • When: Wednesday, March 27 from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
    • 5 p.m.: Doors Open, book signing and purchasing
    • 5:30 to 7 p.m.: Open Discussion and Q&A
    • 7 p.m.: Book signing and purchasing
  • Where: Science Building, Room 1120