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K2 - Key Performance Indicators, Employment Rate of 2013 Graduates in Undergraduate Programs

K2 - Key Performance Indicators, Employment Rate of 2013 Graduates in Undergraduate Programs

ProgramEmployment Rate (2 years)Employment Rate (6 months)
Agriculture & Biological Science 90.91% 88.89%
Business & Commerce 91.51% 82.24%
Computer Science 93.62% 91.30%
Education 95.45% 91.89%
Engineering 90.29% 78.35%
Fine & Applied Arts    
Food Science & Nutrition    
Humanities 89.47% 88.57%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ.    
Mathematics * *
Medicine and Related Programs    
Nursing 100.00% 92.11%
Other Arts & Science    
Other Health Professions 92.41% 85.14%
Physical Science 87.50% 75.00%
Social Science 90.72% 80.22%
Therapy & Rehabilitation    
Veterinary Medicine    
OVERALL AVERAGE 92.89% 85.59%
Employment Rates: The employment rate is defined as the number of employed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force where the labour force is those persons who were employed, or unemployed but looking for work. To determine employment rates of recent graduates, Ontario universities conducted a survey of all 2013 graduates of undergraduate degree programs. Graduates were asked questions regarding their employment situation six months and two years after graduation.    
Source: MTCU and Institutions