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Ontario Tech has a commitment to participate in three distinct surveys on a three-year cycle along with the other Ontario publically-assisted universities. This agreement allows Ontario Tech to not only measure performance against Ontario peers, but also to benchmark internal progress over time. Here is a brief overview of each survey:


The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) focuses on the nature of first-year and senior students' undergraduate experience. The questions allow institutions to measure how successful they are at engaging students in activities and programs that they provide for students' academic and personal development.


The Canadian University Survey Consortium (CUSC) surveys measure the level of student satisfaction with various aspects of the university experience. The survey targets specific undergraduate sub-samples based on a three-year cycle, alternating between first year students, all undergraduates, and graduating students. Currently, Ontario Tech participates in the year for surveying graduating students.


The Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) is administered to graduate level students in both regular and professional programs. The questions focus on various aspects of the graduate student experience and measure both engagement, as well as satisfaction. Beginning in 2010, all 19 publicly-assisted Ontario universities took part in the CGPSS survey as part of their commitment to the Ontario government to improve accountability and focus on the quality of the student's learning experience.