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B3 - Secondary School Averages of Full-Time, First Year Students

The following tables show the percentage of full-time, first-year students by average range and program. Averages are based on final grades for Grade 12 university destination courses.

Program Percent who received an entering average of 95%+ Percent who received an entering average between 90% and 94% Percent who received an entering average between 85% and 89% Percent who received an entering average between 80% and 84% Percent who received an entering average between 75% and 79% Percent who received an entering average between 70% and 74% Percent who received an entering average below 70% Overall average
Arts * 6.4% 13.9% 17.1% 27.8% 32.1% * 78.3%
Science * 6.3% 14.7% 26.7% 29.3% 21.6% * 79.7%
Business & Commerce * 3.9% 14.3% 24.4% 30.8% 23.2% 3.3% 78.6%
Physical Education * * 19.3% 28.9% 33.7% 10.8% 0.0% 80.9%
Engineering * 7.7% 15.7% 35.8% 32.4% 7.0% * 81.3%
Environmental Studies                
Fine Arts                
Household Science                
Landscape Architecture                
Nursing 0.0% 32.1% 64.4% * 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 88.4%
Rehabilitation Medicine                
Social Work                
Other Administration                
Other Degrees                
Preliminary Year                
Diploma Program                
Overall 0.7% 7.2% 17.0% 26.8% 29.4% 17.6% 1.3% 80.1%
NOTE: To ensure confidentiality, cell counts less-than or equal-to 5 are suppressed and displayed as "*". If one cell in a column is suppressed, the total is rounded to the nearest 3.